Channel 99 is an NSV Stream - an early form of online streaming video.

NSV was born in 2003, popular until 2006, and died in 2013... or did it?

You can watch using MPV, VLC or Winamp.

I still run these streams for posterity's sake, preserving a form of IPTV from the pre-Youtube era.
With that, I try to stay as true as possible to the original circa 2003 technology.
Most of these streams are 240p (320x240) VP3.1 & MP3 audio. Bitrate ~256kbps.
I also have some experimental 720p HD streams using the same codecs.

The streams are all free to watch; no advertisements anywhere, ever.

But this isn't just an anachronistic techie nostalgia circle jerk.
As of 2024 I still actively update these with new content,
and NSV still has a small but dedicated cult following.

Come join us in bringing back retro IPTV!

The Channels

"Channel 99" has grown into a collection of streams,
check out the channels below!

Drag-and-drop a link below into MPV, VLC, or Winamp.
Or, click the link to download the .pls file and open later.

And check out our friends at the new NSV Directory thanks to CTT!

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Daily Viewer-Hours Stats

Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed  Today
139   153   156   159   195   173   181   191   171   050 

Updated Thu 0600Z

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